Git in the Cloud

So far, your working directory is only stored on your computer. The working directory (in our case versioned_dir) is not shared with anyone else, and it is not safely backed up in case of disk failure. On top of this, all of the version information about this directory, which is used by Git to move back and forth through time, is saved in a hidden directory called .git.

Move the HEAD to the latest commit of master, using

git checkout master

Now type

ls -a

You should see something like

.  ..  base.pyc  .git  .gitignore  something.o  source.o  subdir

Note that you can see a hidden directory called .git. Take a look in this directory using

ls .git

You should see something like

branches        config       HEAD   index  logs     ORIG_HEAD
COMMIT_EDITMSG  description  hooks  info   objects  refs

These files contain the full set of metadata that fully describes all versions of your working directory. Note that you should NEVER change or edit any files in this directory, as you will seriously confuse Git and will corrupt your version history.

What this means is that if you remove your working directory (e.g. if you type rm -rf versioned_dir) you will also completely remove the .git directory, and thus all version information. Git is providing version control, but it is not providing a safe backup.

Safely backup to the cloud

Fortunately, Git is designed to provide what is called “distributed version control”. What this means is that you can easily put a copy of all of your version information onto another computer, and can even put all of the version information into a Git-based cloud service.

There are two main Git-based cloud services available;

All three provide completely free online Git hosting. For this workshop we will use GitHub, although don’t take this as any indication that GitHub is better than the others.

If you haven’t already, please go here for instructions on how to create and login to your GitHub account.

Now, open a browser window to and log into your GitHub account. Once logged in you should see something like this

Image showing GitHub logged in home page

This shows your GitHub username (in this case, alice-researcher), together with the set of repositories to which you contribute (in your case, probably not many yet.). Repository is the term we use to refer to the complete set of version information about a version controlled directory. A repository contains the complete set of all versions of a single directory (and everything contained within that directory).

Creating a new repository

Let us now create a new repository on GitHub. To do this, click on the blue words “Create a repository” on the left hand side

Now fill in the information required in the form as in the picture below. Note that “Owner” will be your GitHub user name, and not “alice-researcher”.

Image showing how to create a new repository

This tells GitHub to create a new repository called versioned_dir, and supplies a useful description. The repository is “public”, meaning that anyone is allowed to read the contents and download it. GitHub allows unlimited free public repositories, but you have to pay for a private account if you want to have a private repository.

Click “Create Repository” to create your new repository.

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