cython is Python with C-types

You may have been disappointed in the last exercise to see that the cython compiled cyslow.pyx ran at about the same speed as the original

The reason is that cython has generated C code that does - in essence - exactly what the Python Virtual Machine would do when it interprets that code. Compiling this C to machine code results in, effectively, the same machine code that is generated and then executed by the Python Virtual Machine. Hence,the code runs at about the same speed.

Simply compiling code does not make it run faster.

Python is slow because calling functions on or manipulating Python objects is slow. To speed things up, we have to mark parts of code so that more fundemental data types (e.g. floats, arrays etc.) can be used instead of Python objects.

In cython we do this by declaring the “ctype” of the variable. The “ctype” is the type of the data, if the code had been written in C.

There are several available data types, e.g.

Operations on “ctype” variables will be converted to pure C, just as if you had written the code in C yourself! When compiled, this will be as fast as if you had written the code in C.

calculate_roots example

Create a new file called calculate_roots.pyx and copy in the below;

#cython: language_level=3

import math
import numpy as np

def calculate_roots(numbers):
    num_vals = len(numbers)
    result = np.zeros(num_vals, "f")

    for i in range(0, num_vals):
        result[i] = math.sqrt(numbers[i])

    return result

This is just the calculate_roots function that we have used before, with the cython header to provide the hint that this is Python 3 code.

We could write a for this file. Fortunately, cython provides an alternative, quick route for single-file modules.

For simple, one-file .pyx files, we can shortcut the process for cythonizing the file. We do this by installing the pyximport module into our Jupyter notebook. Do this by typing;

import pyximport

Now, we can import our calculate_roots.pyx module directly…

import calculate_roots

This will automatically see that there is a file called calculate_roots.pyx. As the extension is .pyx, the file will be converted to C and then compiled automatically, before being imported as a module.

We can now time the function as we did before;

import numpy as np
numbers = 500.0 * np.random.rand(10000000)
778 ms ± 25.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

To speed up this function, we will first specify the ctypes of the main variables. Note that;

cdef float[::1] view = array

would create a ctype that represents a view (pointer) to a floating point contiguous memory array. This page gives instructions on how you could get a memory view to multidimensional arrays, or slices of arrays.

Edit calculate_roots.pyx to update the calculate_roots function to read;

def calculate_roots(numbers):
    cdef int num_vals = len(numbers)
    result = np.zeros(num_vals, "f")

    cdef float[::1] numbers_view = numbers
    cdef float[::1] result_view = result

    cdef int i = 0

    for i in range(0, num_vals):
        result_view[i] = math.sqrt(numbers_view[i])

    return result

Restart the kernel of your Jupyter notebook and repeat the process of importing and timing the calculate_roots function;

ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'float' but got 'double'

You should see that you get the same error that I get above. We have a ValueError because we said that numbers_view was a floating point pointer to an array, but actually numbers is a double precision array. We need to fix our script to read;

def calculate_roots(numbers):
    cdef int num_vals = len(numbers)
    result = np.zeros(num_vals, "f")

    cdef double[::1] numbers_view = numbers
    cdef float[::1] result_view = result

    cdef int i = 0

    for i in range(0, num_vals):
        result_view[i] = math.sqrt(numbers_view[i])

    return result

Restart the kernel of your Jupyter notebook and repeat the process of importing and timing the calculate_roots function;

288 ms ± 2.13 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

This has sped the loop up a bit (about 3 times). But this is not as impressive as what we achieved with numba.

We suspect that, maybe, we have missed a variable or an interaction with a Python object, which means that we aren’t staying fully within the C module. To check this, we can mark the code as a region that should not talk to the Python Virtual Machine. We do this by releasing the Python Global Interpreter Lock (the GIL). This is achieved by putting our code inside a with nogil: section. To use this, we need to cimport cython. The cimport command allows cython to import C functions directly, in this case, all of the functions that are part of cython.

Edit your calculate_roots function to read;

#cython: language_level=3

cimport cython

import math
import numpy as np

def calculate_roots(numbers):
    cdef int num_vals = len(numbers)
    result = np.zeros(num_vals, "f")

    cdef double[::1] numbers_view = numbers
    cdef float[::1] result_view = result

    cdef int i = 0

    with nogil:
        for i in range(0, num_vals):
            result_view[i] = math.sqrt(numbers_view[i])

    return result

If you clear your Jupyter notebook kernel, and then try to import the calculate_roots module, you will see that a long error is printed.

Error compiling Cython file:

    cdef int i = 0

    with nogil:
        for i in range(0, num_vals):
            result_view[i] = math.sqrt(numbers_view[i])

calculate_roots.pyx:18:38: Coercion from Python not allowed without the GIL

This is showing that the call to math.sqrt is calling back to the Python Virtual Machine, for which you need to hold the GIL.

To fix this, we need to use the sqrt function that comes with C. We can do this by using cimport to directly import functions from the standard C math library.

#cython: language_level=3

cimport cython

from libc.math cimport sqrt

import numpy as np

def calculate_roots(numbers):
    cdef int num_vals = len(numbers)
    result = np.zeros(num_vals, "f")

    cdef double[::1] numbers_view = numbers
    cdef float[::1] result_view = result

    cdef int i = 0

    with nogil:
        for i in range(0, num_vals):
            result_view[i] = sqrt(numbers_view[i])

    return result

Importing and running the code shows that this now runs significantly more quickly;

8.53 ms ± 330 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

You may have noticed, when importing the module, that the following warning was shown;

warning: calculate_roots.pyx:20:46: Use boundscheck(False) for faster access

By default, cython will generate C code that checks that all array access is in bounds. This is good for safety, but does come at some cost. We can turn off bounds-checking by adding the @cython.boundscheck(False) decorator to the function, e.g.

def calculate_roots(numbers):
    cdef int num_vals = len(numbers)
    result = np.zeros(num_vals, "f")

    cdef double[::1] numbers_view = numbers
    cdef float[::1] result_view = result

    cdef int i = 0

    with nogil:
        for i in range(0, num_vals):
            result_view[i] = sqrt(numbers_view[i])

    return result

Restarting the Jupyter notebook kernel and re-timing gives;

6.19 ms ± 41.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

This is quite close to the 5.2 ms for the numba-accelerated loop.


Edit your copy of cyslow.pyx to add in “ctypes” to the calculate_scores function. To do this, you will need to know;

  1. The ctype of the data array is signed char.
  2. You can get a view into a 2D numpy array using [:,:].
  3. A view into the data array is thus
cdef signed char[:, :] data_view

Remember to recompile your module using

python build_ext --inplace

Answers to this exercise