
Python has great in-built documentation that is available via the help function. For example

In [ ]:
l = ["cat", "dog", "fish"]
In [ ]:

You can add similar documentation to the functions that you write. You do this by adding in a documentation string as the first string after defining the function e.g.

In [ ]:
def multiply(a, b):
    """This function returns the element-wise multiplication of the passed lists 'a' and 'b'"""
    c = []
    for x,y in zip(a,b):
    return c
In [ ]:
multiply( [1,2,3], [4,5,6] )
In [ ]:

The documentation string should be placed between two sets of triple quotes ("""). This is a convention that makes it easier to expand the documentation later, and that ensures that nothing you write in the documentation will be expanded or interpreted as Python.

Documentation should provide an easy to understand, and brief description of what the function does. It should not give information that is obvious by reading the function signature. For example, this is a bad piece of documentation.

In [ ]:
def multiply(a, b):
    """function multiply(a,b) -> list"""
    c = []
    for x,y in zip(a,b):
    return c
In [ ]:

It is much better to say what the function does, and then what it returns (as this can't be seen from the signature). Good documentation would be

In [ ]:
def multiply(a, b):
    """Calculates the element-wise multiplication of a and b, returning a list of the results"""
    c = []
    for x,y in zip(a,b):
    return c
In [ ]:

Your documentation can span over multiple lines. If you are describing the arguments, then you should use one line per argument, for example

In [ ]:
def make_complex(real, imag=0):
    """Create and return a complex number
       Keyword arguments:
       real -- the real part of the number
       imag -- the imaginary part of the number
    return (real,imag)
In [ ]:

By convention, you will notice above that the last """ is placed on its own line if the documentation spans multiple lines. It is on the same line if the documentation is short.

In general, keep your documentation short, to the point, and avoid repeating obvious information. However, be precise, as this may be the only part of your code that somebody else reads before they use your function in their program.

A good suggestion is to look at documentation you like and try to copy that style. Also, look for code that you think is poorly documented, and try to avoid their mistakes.


Below is a series of undocumented functions. Take a look through the functions and try to work out what they do. Once you understand the functions, write some documentation for each function. Get your neighbour to read your documentation. Do they understand what the function does based on what you have written? Do the function names combined with your documentation accurately convey the result of calling the function?

Note that you may have to use help(...) yourself if you don't recognise some of the code in the functions. Also try to play with the function to see how it behaves.

In [ ]:
def add(a, b):
    c = []
    for x,y in zip(a,b):
    return c
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
def subtract(a, b):
    c = []
    for x,y in zip(a,b):
        c.append(x / y)
    return c
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
def capitalise(message):
    words = message.split(" ")
    for i in range(0,len(words)):
        words[i] = "%s%s" % (words[i][0].upper(), words[i][1:])
    return " ".join(words)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
def surprise(x):
    import random
    if x < random.random():
In [ ]:

For this last function, try calling it via list_interface("ipynb").

In [ ]:
def list_interface(x):
    import glob
    f = glob.glob("*.%s" % x)
    l = []
    for x in f:
        if x.startswith("0"):
    return l
In [ ]: